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Boston South Station at twilight, 2016.

Color digital image showing Boston South Station from Dewey Square; image dates to December 14, 2016.

Acela Express at Boston South Station, 2016.

Color digital image showing customers boarding an Acela Express (Boston-New York-Washington) train at Boston South Station; image dates to December 14, 2016.

Acela Express crossing the Niantic River Bridge, 2015.

Color digital image showing an Acela Express (Washington-New York-Boston) train crossing the Niantic River Bridge between East Lyme and Waterford, Conn.; image dates to December 2015.

Acela brochure, 2000.

Multicolor printed paper brochure issued in April 2000 to introduce the public to new Acela services, which included Acela Express, Acela Regional and Acela Commuter. The brochure explains the seating options and on board amenities. Acela Regional service began in January 2000, while Acela Express trains entered revenue service in December 2000. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Working in an inspection pit, 2010.

Color digital image showing a mechanic inspecting an Acela Express trainset; image dates to October 2010.

Acela Express crossing the Bush River in northeastern Maryland, 2014.

Color digital image showing an Acela Express (Washington-Boston) train crossing the Bush River in northeastern Maryland.

Acela Express exiting Union Tunnel in Baltimore, 2013.

Color digital image showing an Acela Express (Washington-Boston) train exiting the Union Tunnel near Baltimore Penn Station on a snowy day.

New uniforms for the Acela Onboard Service personnel.

Color transparency showing the new uniforms designed for Onboard Service personnel on the high-speed Acela Express (Washington-Boston). Image dates to 1999-2000.

"Driven by Speed" poster, 1999.

Printer paper poster featuring an American Flyer high-speed trainset, later renamed Acela Express; poster dates to 1999.

Acela Express passing track inspectors, 2010.

Color photograph showing Acela Express train No. 2159 passing track inspectors at milepost 87 on the Northeast Corridor.