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Amtrak Update, October 1, 1973.

Amtrak Update. Vol. 2, No. 14 (October 1, 1973): 8. Print. Includes black and white and color photographs. From the Ed Von Nordeck Collection.

Amtrak Update was a newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on the French turbine trains' debut; inauguration of The State House; the second anniversary of the Chicago Reservation Center; and using Amtrak's Springfield service to tour Abraham Lincoln's hometown.

Coast Starlight/Daylight led by E9A locomotive No. 418, 1970s.

Color slide showing the Coast Starlight/Daylight (Seattle-San Francisco/Oakland-Los Angeles) alongside a body of water; image dates to the early 1970s.

Coast Starlight/Daylight led by E9A locomotive No. 418, 1970s.

Color slide showing the Coast Starlight/Daylight (Seattle-San Francisco/Oakland-Los Angeles) alongside a body of water; image dates to the early 1970s.

Santa Barbara, Calif., depot, 1972.

Film slide showing the historic Southern Pacific Railroad depot in Santa Barbara, Calif.; image dates to July 1972.

Coast Starlight/Daylight in the Cascades Mountains, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing the daily Coast Starlight/Daylight (Los Angeles-Seattle); image dates to 1973-1974.

Coast Starlight/Daylight postcard, early 1970s.

Color paper postcard featuring the Coast Starlight/Daylight (Seattle-San Francisco/Oakland -Los Angeles) gliding alongside a body of water. This card is one of a set produced by Amtrak with various images of trains and interiors.