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Southwest Chief menu, 2003.

Multi-color printed paper menu issued in 2003 for use on the Southwest Chief (Chicago-Albuquerque-Los Angeles). A painting by artist J. Craig Thorpe, "Partners in Conservation," graces the cover and depicts the Southwest Chief connection to the Grand Canyon Railway at the Williams, Ariz., station. Menu items cover breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner entrees include Norwegian salmon and pork ribs - a customer favorite. From the Ann Owens Collection

Southwest Chief poster, 1980s.

Multicolor printed paper poster made to advertise the Southwest Chief (Chicago-Albuquerque-Los Angeles); dates to 1984 or later.

Southwest Chief menu, 1998.

Multicolor printed paper menu (breakfast, lunch and dinner) issued in 1998 for use on the Southwest Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles). The cover features a kachina (Tawa?), a religious icon representing a figure from Hopi mythology. For lunch, passengers could chose from dishes such as New Mexican tamales, La Plata salad and chicken pot pie. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Southwest Chief menu and beverage list, 1985.

Printed paper foldout menu and beverage list issued in January 1985 for use on the Southwest Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles). Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner options, as well as the beverage selection. The bottom edge features a border with American Indian motifs. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Southwest Chief route guide, 2000.

Multi-color printed paper route guide issued in 2000 for the daily Southwest Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles). Guide offers brief descriptions of cities and towns along the route, as well as an overview of crew members and on-board accommodations. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Southwest Chief route guide, 1989.

Multicolor printed paper route guide issued in March 1989 for the Southwest Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles). Guide offers brief descriptions of cities and towns along the route, as well as a map. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Southwest Chief brochure, 1987.

Multicolor printed paper brochure issued in June 1987 for the daily Southwest Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles). Brochure offers passengers an overview of the train staff, accommodations and photo tips. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Southwest Chief brochure, 1989.

Multicolor printed paper brochure issued in March 1989 for the daily Southwest Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles). Brochure offers passengers an overview of the train staff, accommodations and photo tips. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Dining car crew on the Southwest Chief, 1985.

Color photo showing the dining car crew of the Southwest Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles) in 1985.