Capitol Corridor Welcomed to Sacramento.
Celebration of the inauguration of the route.
- Photograph Details
- Date Archived:
- May 23, 2011
- Geography:
- California
- Decade:
- 1990s
- Data Format:
- Image
- Route:
- Capitol Corridor
- Date Created:
- December 11, 1991
- Download the full-sized version of this photo
Welcoming banner about to be broken by the Inaugural Train, after going from sunrise (San Jose) to sunset (Sacramento). Speeches were made inside the station. The buses that can be seen above the banner were used to take passengers on the inauguration train back to the Bay Area. Amtrak partnered with the state of California to create the Capitol Corridor, which runs between San Jose and Sacramento, providing a way around the congestion on highway I-80. Photo by Dave Warner.