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"Rediscover Philadelphia" poster, 1970s.

Full color printed paper poster highlighting travel by Amtrak to Philadelphia; likely dates to the late 1970s.

"Rediscover Washington" poster, 1970s.

Full color printed paper poster highlighting travel by Amtrak to Washington, D.C.; likely dates to the late 1970s.

"Experience Chicago" poster, 1970s.

Full color printed paper poster highlighting Chicago attractions; likely dates to the 1970s.

Amtrak mobile Travel Center, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing the Amtrak mobile Travel Center; image likely dates to the early 1970s.

Amtrak NEWS, September 1979.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 6, No. 10 (September 1979): 12. Print. Includes black and white photographs and drawings. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on proposed cuts to the national system; actions by the board of directors tied to route restructuring; and opening of the new Schenectady, N.Y., station.

Breakfast menu, 1977.

Multi-color printed paper menu issued in October 1977 for use on national system trains. The front of this double-sided menu features a collage of famous landmarks in cities and regions served by Amtrak, including the United States Capitol, Golden Gate Bridge, Statue of Liberty and a southwestern desert landscape. Passengers could chose between four combination breakfasts, or order a la carte. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Amtrak Update, May 1, 1972.

Amtrak Update. Vol. 1, No. 12 (May 1, 1972): 2. Print. Includes black and white photographs.

Amtrak Update was a newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on the Amtrak exhibit at Transpo '72; the success of the "Free Wheels" program for Florida-bound travelers; and passenger amenities aboard the Broadway Limited (New York/Washington-Chicago).

From the Christie Koontz Collection.

Amtrak NEWS, October 1978.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 5, No. 10 (October 1978): 12. Print. Includes black and white photographs and drawings. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on proposed cuts to the national system; merging of the Northeast Corridor and national operations departments; and a special marketing promotion for the Lake Shore Limited.

Passenger service representative talking with passengers, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing Passenger Service Representative Tricia Saunders talking with passengers and taking notes aboard a train; image dates to 1972 or later.

Amtrak employee Tricia Saunders with U.S. Secretary of Transportation John Volpe, 1971.

Color photograph showing Passenger Service Representative Tricia Saunders standing with U.S. Secretary of Transportation John Volpe; image likely dates to May 1971.