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Los Angeles Union Station main entry, 1970s.

Color slide showing sun passing through latticework over the main entry of Los Angeles Union Station; image likely dates to the late 1970s.

Los Angeles Union Station waiting room, 1970s.

Color slide showing the waiting room at Los Angeles Union Station; image likely dates to the late 1970s.

Red Caps at work, 1970s.

Color slide showing Red Caps moving sacks and parcels between a train and depot; image likely dates to the late 1970s.

"What is Amtrak?" booklet, 1970s.

Printed paper booklet with black-and-white photographs describing the formation of Amtrak and improvements to the intercity passenger rail system. Dates to 1972 or later. "Amtrak was established to fill an essential need in a balanced transportation system...its purpose is to improve and develop intercity passenger rail service." From the Patricia Saunders Collection.

"Spend a Week in Washington" advertisement, 1972.

Printed paper insertion proof of an advertisement created to promote travel to Washington, D.C., aboard the West Virginian/Potomac Turbo (Parkersburg, W.Va.-Washington).

"You Won't Need a Rest" advertisement, 1972.

Printed paper insertion proof of an advertisement created in 1972 to promote train travel on the Abraham Lincoln and Prairie State (St. Louis-Chicago-Milwaukee).

"Amtrak's Family Plan" advertisment, 1973.

Printed paper insertion proof of an advertisement created in 1973 to promote Amtrak Family plan discounts.

"Chief is Back" advertisement, 1972.

Printed paper insertion proof of an advertisement created to announce the addition of the Amtrak Chief (Chicago-Los Angeles) to the national schedule for summer 1972.

"Amtrak Gives Chicago Better Train Service" advertisment, 1971.

Printed paper insertion proof of an advertisement created to announce schedule changes for the national timetable issued on November 14, 1971.

Amtrak NEWS, February 15, 1977.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 4, No. 3 (February 15, 1977): 8. Print. Includes black and white photographs. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a bi-monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on the lease of two LRC trainsets; service improvements to the Adirondack (New York-Montreal); and progress on the Superliner program.