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San Francisco Zephyr along the Truckee River, 1970s.

Black and white promotional photograph showing the San Francisco Zephyr (Chicago-Oakland/San Francisco) traveling along the Truckee River; image dates to 1971 or early 1972.

San Francisco Zephyr at Emigrant Gap, 1970s.

Black and white promotional photograph showing the San Francisco Zephyr (Chicago-Oakland/San Francisco) passing through Emigrant Gap in the Sierra Nevada Mountains; image dates to the 1970s.

Dining car, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing the interior of a dining car; dates to the early 1970s.

Ranch-dorm car on the North Coast Hiawatha, 1970s.

Black and white promotional photograph showing the diner section of a ranch-dorm car used on the North Coast Hiawatha (Chicago-Billings-Seattle). Photograph dates to the early 1970s.

Niagara Rainbow at Niagara Falls, N.Y., 1978.

Black and white photo from the November 1978 issue of Amtrak NEWS showing the Niagara Rainbow (New York-Albany-Detroit) making its first stop at Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Amtrak NEWS, November 1978.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 5, No. 11 (November 1978): 12. Print. Includes black and white photographs. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on inauguration of service to Niagara Falls, N.Y.; acceptance of the first Superliner from Pullman Standard; and the workings of the Internal Audit department.

Lower level of a dome car, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing the lower level of a dome car; image dates to the 1970s.

Coast Starlight/Daylight in the Cascades Mountains, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing the daily Coast Starlight/Daylight (Los Angeles-Seattle); image dates to 1973-1974.

Dinner menu, 1976.

Printed paper menu issued in March 1976. The cover features a white carnation in a bud vase, while the bottom interior edge includes a line drawing of a train. Passengers could choose from a variety of dishes to suit any appetite, including double ground beef with cottage cheese, pan fried sole and a cheeseburger deluxe. From the Ann Owens Collection.

Luncheon menu, 1973.

Multicolor printed paper lunch menu issued in April 1973.