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Amtrak NEWS , November 1979.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 6, No. 12 (November 1979): 12. Print. Includes black and white photographs. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on the introduction of Superliner cars to the Empire Builder (Chicago-Seattle) and the inauguration of the Desert Wind (Los Angeles-Las Vegas-Salt Lake City-Ogden).

Panama Limited football flyer, 1978.

Two color printed paper flyer used to promote travel on the Panama Limited (Chicago-New Orleans) to attend New Orleans Saints football games at the Superdome. From the Ann Owens Collection. "Avoid highway hassles and arrive relaxed at Amtrak's New Orleans Station...only two blocks away from the stadium...take our car...our stylish Amfleet car."

Luncheon menu, 1977.

Multi-color printed paper menu issued in October 1977 for use on long-distance trains. From the Ann Owens Collection. The front of this double-sided menu features a collage of famous landmarks in cities and regions served by Amtrak, including the United States Capitol, Golden Gate Bridge, Statue of Liberty and a southwestern desert landscape. The locomotive at the bottom edge wears the Phase II paint scheme introduced in 1975. Lunch options include appetizers, salads, soups, sandwiches and desserts.

"We Take Your Credit Cards" advertisement, 1972.

Black and white printed paper advertisement to highlight Amtrak's acceptance of major credit cards such as American Express, Master Charge and the Rail Travel Card. Advertisement appeared in the February 18, 1972 issue of LIFE. "We're pleased that Amtrak can now offer you the two surest ingredients for a pleasant trip. Trains and credit."

Amtrak Metroliner poster.

Multicolor printed paper poster created in 1973 to promote the high-speed Metroliner Service (Washington-New York); measures 25" x 40".

Amtrak era brochure, 1974.

Multi-color printed paper brochure with line drawings issued in May 1974 to publicize improvements to the passenger rail system since Amtrak's founding in 1971. From the Ann Owens Collection. The text describes the founding of the company, its structure and efforts to overhaul the passenger car fleet. From the mark on the back cover, this brochure was probably produced for distribution at the Amtrak display at Expo '74 held in Spokane, Wash. "Amtrak is moving ahead as planned--providing America with another area of efficient transportation..."

Amfleet passenger survey, 1976.

Two-color printed paper passenger survey issued for use in August 1976 to evaluate the new Amfleet cars. From the Ann Owens Collection. This passenger survey asks typical questions to evaluate the single-level Amfleet equipment that first entered service in 1975: "What do you like best about this Amfleet train? Did you decide to ride the train on this trip because of the new Amfleet equipment? How do you like Amfleet compared to other trains?"

Beverage list, 1970s.

Multi-color printed paper beverage list dating to the early 1970s; from the Ann Owens Collection. The cover depicts two hands toasting with drinks while a sleek train glides by on the bottom edge. According to the list, passengers could partake of cocktails ($1.35), highballs ($1.35), cordials, soda ($0.30) and beer ($0.60-$0.75). "Our special AMTRAK Almonds will be offered with each drink served."

Sales meetings and incentive travel brochure, 1974.

Printed paper brochure with black and white photographs issued in September 1974 to promote travel aboard Amtrak for group meetings and employee incentive programs. From the Ann Owens Collection. Reasons to choose Amtrak include access to top-rate resorts and cities, convenient midtown-to-midtown service and on-board amenities such as fine dining opportunities, the relaxed social atmosphere of the lounge car and a variety of private accommodations.

New York-Washington Schedules, 1975.

Multi-color printed paper timetable issued on April 27, 1975 for the New York-Washington segment of the Northeast Corridor, with thru New Haven service. From the Ann Owens Collection. Timetable includes a general system map, travel tips and sample fares for coach, Parlor Car, Metrocoach and Metroclub seating. Named trains include the Murray Hill (Washington-New York) and The Sundown (Washington-New Haven).