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Main concourse of Philadelphia 30th Street Station, 1979.

Film slide showing the main concourse of Philadelphia 30th Street Station; image dates to August 1979.

Ticketing desk at Philadelphia 30th Street Station, 1970s.

Color slide showing the ticketing desk at Philadelphia 30th Street Station; image likely dates to the early or mid-1970s.

Cleveland station dedication, 1977.

Black and white photo from the July 15, 1977 issue of Amtrak NEWS showing an open house at the new Cleveland, Ohio, station.

Amtrak NEWS, July 15, 1977.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 4, No. 13 (July 15, 1977): 8. Print. Includes black and white photographs. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a bi-monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on the dedication of the Cleveland station; new uniforms for on-board attendants; and "Night-Owl" fares.

Amtrak NEWS, December 1, 1977.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 4, No. 22 (December 1, 1977): 8. Print. Includes black and white photographs. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a bi-monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on a supplemental operating appropriation for Amtrak; delays caused by an early winter blizzard in the Northwest; and a photo essay on Thanksgiving travel.

North Coast Hiawatha led by SDP40F locomotive No. 536, 1970s.

Color photograph showing the eastbound North Coast Hiawatha (Seattle-Billings-Chicago) approaching the Bozeman Tunnel in southwest Montana; image likely dates to 1973-1974.

The Senator along an ocean inlet, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing the Senator (Boston-Washington) along the coast near Stonington, Connecticut; images dates to the late 1970s.

Train departing Boston South Station, 1970s.

Black and white photograph created to promote rail travel to Boston in conjunction with the nation's Bicentennial; image likely dates to 1975 or early 1976.

SDP40F locomotive No. 503, 1970s.

Black and white photograph showing SDP40F locomotive No. 503; image dates to the 1970s.

Florida-bound train with palmettos, 1970s.

Black and white photograph created to promote Amtrak trains serving Florida; dates to the 1970s.