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Amtrak NEWS, July 1, 1974.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 1, No. 6 (July 1, 1974): 8. Print. Includes black and white photographs. From the Ed Von Nordeck Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on employees in all parts of the U.S. gaining access to the Amtrak Automated Reservations & Ticketing System (ARTS); a look at innovations introduced on the Silver Meteor; and Amtrak Congressional testimony requesting additional equipment funding.

Service attendant at work in a Heritage dining car, 2015.

Color digital image showing a service attendant on the Silver Meteor (Miami-New York) delivering lunch to passengers; image dates to February 2015.

Chef preparing lunch on the Silver Meteor, 2015.

Color digital image showing a chef preparing lunch on the Silver Meteor (Miami-New York); image dates to February 2015.

Coach attendant helping a passenger alight, 2015.

Color digital image showing a coach attendant on the Silver Meteor (Miami-New York) assisting passengers at Winter Haven, Fla.; image dates to February 2015.

Service attendant assisting a customer, 2015.

Color digital image showing a service attendant on the Silver Meteor (Miami-New York) helping a passenger; image dates to February 2015.

Silver Meteor on-board service team meeting, 2015.

Color digital image showing the morning briefing for on-board service employees of the Silver Meteor (Miami-New York); image dates to February 2015.

Lead service attendant taking lunch reservations, 2015.

Color digital image showing a lead service attendant on the Silver Meteor (Miami-New York) taking lunch reservations in a coach; image dates to February 2015.

A look down the platform, 2015.

Color digital image showing a coach attendant on the Silver Meteor (Miami-New York) taking a glance down the platform; image dates to February 2015.

Amtrak Kissimmee, Fla., station, 1970s.

Color slide showing the Amtrak station in Kissimmee, Fla.; image probably dates to the 1970s.

Amtrak Orlando station, 1970s.

Color slide showing the entryway and arcade of the historic Orlando station; image probably dates to the 1970s.