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Amtrak NEWS, June 1980.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 7, No. 5 (June 1980): 16. Print. Includes black and white photographs and a mail-in questionnaire. From the Ed Von Nordeck Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on the first AEM-7 used in revenue service in May 1980; the inaugural run of the first SPV-2000s in May 1980 between New Haven and Springfield, Mass.; a Family Days event in New Orleans; and the beginning of daylight service between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh by the new Pennsylvanian.

Locomotive engineer operating the eastbound Pennsylvanian, 2016.

Color digital image showing a passenger locomotive engineer at the console of P-42 locomotive No. 145; image dates to May 2016.

View of the Rockville Bridge and Susquehanna River, 2016.

Color digital image showing a view of the Rockville Bridge from the cab of the eastbound Pennsylvanian (Pittsburgh-Philadelphia-New York); image dates to May 2016.

Conductor checking his watch, 2016.

Color digital image showing a conductor checking his watch while the Pennsylvanian (New York-Philadelphia-Pittsburgh) stops at the Altoona, Pa., station; image dates to May 2016.

Eastbound Pennsylvanian on Horseshoe Curve, 2016.

Color digital image showing the eastbound Pennsylvanian (Pittsburgh-Philadelphia-New York) on Horseshoe Curve; image dates to May 2016.

Eastbound Pennsylvanian on Horseshoe Curve, 2016.

Color digital image showing the Pennsylvanian (Pittsburgh-Philadelphia-New York) rounding Horseshoe Curve; image dates to May 2016.

Pennsylvanian pulling into Greensburg, 2016.

Color digital image showing the eastbound Pennsylvanian (Pittsburgh-Philadelphia-New York) making its stop at the Greensburg, Pa., station; image dates to May 2016.

Customers boarding the Pennsylvanian at Lewistown, 2016.

Color digital image showing customers boarding the westbound Pennsylvanian (New York-Philadelphia-Pittsburgh) at the Lewistown, Pa., station; image dates to May 2016.

Lead service attendant staffing a cafe, 2016.

Color digital image showing a lead service attendant behind the counter in the cafe car of the Pennsylvanian (New York-Philadelphia-Pittsburgh); image dates to May 2016.

Conductor making an announcement, 2016.

Black and white digital image showing a conductor making an announcement on the westbound Pennsylvanian (New York-Philadelphia-Pittsburgh); image dates to May 2016.