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Amfleet II food service car under construction, 1980s.

Color slide showing an Amfleet II food service car under construction at the Budd Company's Red Lion Plant; image dates to the early 1980s.

Pennsylvanian daylight service poster, 1998.

Multicolor printed paper poster created in late 1998 to promote the reroute of the Pennsylvanian between Philadelphia and Chicago.

Amtrak NEWS, December 1, 1977.

Amtrak NEWS. Vol. 4, No. 22 (December 1, 1977): 8. Print. Includes black and white photographs. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

Amtrak NEWS was a bi-monthly newsletter published for Amtrak employees. Feature articles in this issue focus on a supplemental operating appropriation for Amtrak; delays caused by an early winter blizzard in the Northwest; and a photo essay on Thanksgiving travel.

Southwest Chief poster, 1980s.

Multicolor printed paper poster made to advertise the Southwest Chief (Chicago-Albuquerque-Los Angeles); dates to 1984 or later.

"Amtrak's New Superliner" poster, 1980s.

Multicolor printed paper poster showcasing new bi-level Superliner equipment; image dates to 1980 or later.

"Discover the Magic!" poster, 1980s.

Multicolor printed paper poster made to advertise the Amtrak national network; dates to the late 1980s.

"Discover the Magic!" poster, 1980s.

Multicolor printed paper poster made to advertise the Amtrak national network; dates to the late 1980s.

"Discover the Magic!" poster, 1980s.

Multicolor printed paper poster made to advertise the Amtrak national network; dates to the late 1980s.

Carolinian brochure, 1984.

Multicolor printed paper brochure made to promote a trial version of the Carolinian (Charlotte-New York), which ran from October 1984 until September 1985. Through the financial support of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the current version of the Carolinian launched with an inaugural run on May 11, 1990. From the Amtrak Corporate Collection.

North Coast Hiawatha led by SDP40F locomotive No. 536, 1970s.

Color photograph showing the eastbound North Coast Hiawatha (Seattle-Billings-Chicago) approaching the Bozeman Tunnel in southwest Montana; image likely dates to 1973-1974.